Memories: Telemark skiing in Hardanger

Looking through some old folders of images and small clips from my now retired Canon Powershot A620 I found some nice memories from me and my friends telemark skiing in and around the Hardanger region of Norway. Of course, this bunch of old movies was put together to collect these memories.

All clips are taken from a Canon Powershot A620, with a video resolution of 640×480. The quality of the video isn’t perfect, or even close to perfect, but I still think you can see enough to enjoy it. As I’ve already said you will see a lot of telemark skiing – what some would call «laus hel». It’s the best way to enjoy the mountains.

Pretty much all clips are from the Hardanger region of Norway (on the west coast) – more specifically the small town Granvin or the surrounding area. Names of the places: Olastøl, Olsskavlen, Nesheimshorgi, Dosafjellet/Ingebjørgfjellet, Raundalsryggen, Oksen, Osa (Osafjellet).

Music credits: Poison the Well – Slow Good Morning



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