Kategori: Engelsk
AS3: Avrunde desimaltal (round decimals)
Avrunding av tal i Flash ActionScript 3 er ikkje alltid like rett fram, så her er to alternativ til korleis du kan gjere det på ein forhåpentlegvis lettfatteleg og oversikteleg måte.
Memories: Telemark skiing in Hardanger
Looking through some old folders of images and small clips from my now retired Canon Powershot A620 I found some nice memories from me and my friends telemark skiing in and around the Hardanger region of Norway. Of course, this bunch of old movies was put together to collect these memories.
Flash AS3: Pong game
This is a short tutorial where we are going to make a simple game in Flash Action Script 3 (AS3), highlighting some easy, but powerful tricks into making an interactive experience which we can expand upon later – adding more advanced techniques.
Slow motion with Twixtor: How-to
Like it or not, slow motion sequences in videos are getting more and more popular.
Timelapse: Getting snow off roof
It’s winter. And luckily we have snow.